Tuesday, May 6, 2008

our Home grows

girl takes a moment to reflect on the Home she lives in. everyday, there are new additions to the Family. there is a new Jarl, very kind, girl likes Him very much. several new sisters, girl doesn't think she's even met them all yet! new brothers, too. girl finds brothers interesting, not too sure why, but she does.

girl was given time alone with her chain sister today. this NEVER happens, as the House is so busy, girls are needed to serve the Free. girl loved this time with her sis, precious moments to know her better as the person she is, not just as the girl that sits by her side serving. the more this one learns of her sis, the more she loves her. girl is happy to have this sister as her chain sister. they not only share their Jarl, they share each other as well.

with love for her Jarl and her sis, and all their Family